
All the posts published.

April 2023 – FutureDocs Latin America: ConsultorioMOVIL’s propietary technology now available for licensing deals. FutureDocs Latin America consolidated ConsultorioMOVIL’s position as one …

March 2023 – ConsultorioMOVIL adds direct-to-pharmacy Electronic Prescription options for it’s platform in Argentina.     See more information here: https://www.consultoriomovil.net/novedades-recetas-electronicas/     …

December 2022 – ConsultorioMOVIL completes the 2022 Edition of it’s MEDICOS DIGITALES technology educational program for physicians in Latin America.   These …

November 2022 – Lóreal & La Roche-Posay and its brands Vichy and Dercos choose ConsultorioMOVIL.net platform, for the third consecutive year, to …

October 2022 – ConsultorioMOVIL partners with IAE Business School, WISE Latin America and The Hive (Hospital Universitaruio Austral) to run its “2022 …

July 2022 – FutureDocs Latin America releases a new version of its EHR & Telemedicine platform ConsultorioMOVIL.   Multiple improvements, feedback from …

December 2021 – ConsultorioMOVIL completes the 2021 Edition of it’s flagship MEDICOS DIGITALES technology educational program for physicians in Latin America   …

November 2021 – Lóreal & La Roche-Posay and its brands Vichy and Dercos choose ConsultorioMOVIL.net platform, for the second year, to run …

October 2021 – FutureDocs partners with IAE Business School, WISE Latin America and The Hive (from Hospital Universitario Austral) to run its …

July 2021 – FutureDocs Latin America releases a new version of its EHR & Telemedicine platform ConsultorioMOVIL. Multiple improvements, feedback from users …

June 2021 – ConsultorioMOVIL signs partnership with Mexican IMSS Foundation, the clinical research arm of IMSS, biggest public payer in Mexico, to …

December 2020 – ConsultorioMOVIL completes the 2020 Edition of it’s flagship MEDICOS DIGITALES educational program for physicians in Latin America.   These …

December 2020 – Abbott Argentina launches an educational Telemedicine program for Nutrition professionals, in a partnership with ConsultorioMOVIL & the Argentine Society …

December 2020 – Innovative & Successful La Roche-Posay Tele-Education Cancer Prevention campaign with Dermatologists thru ConsultorioMOVIL’s TelemedPro platform. More than 640 Argentine …

November 2020 – Mexican Health Secretary’s technology agency CENETEC recognizes ConsultorioMOVIL as one of the leading Telemedicine platforms in Mexico in it’s …

After a successful edition that was held in Buenos Aires, the international seminar “MEDICOS DIGITALES 2020” arrived to Mexico for the first …

In a context where technology is transforming traditional ways of practicing medicine, on October 21, 2019, the fourth edition of Médicos Digitales …

ConsultorioMOVIL’s Colleague’s Network allows HCPs to consult and request second opinions from other specialists. For ophthalmologists, a custom group was created to …

Physician Innovation Program @ University of San Andrés Annual Congress of AAAeIC Jornadas Pierini with Argentine Society of Dermatology Annual Congress of …

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The Annual Congress of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is an important event that takes place every year; health …

Sociedad Argentina de Hipertensión Arterial (SAHA) Confederación Argentina de Oftalmología (CAO)

Driving2TheFuture with Novartis Argentina Physician Innovation Program @ University of San Andrés Annual Congress of AAAeIC Diplomatura de Psoriasis with SAD and …

Asociación Argentina de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica (AAAeIC) Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria (AAMR) Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología (SAO)     …

“Medicos Digitales 2020” Program at Asociacion Médica Argentina (AMA) Driving2TheFuture with Novartis Argentina Digital Health Hackaton with Gamma Group OphthAcademy with Novartis …

Pharma’s Patient Programs (PSPs) can now be itegrated to ConsultorioMOVIL EHR & Patient Engagement platform, and Doctors can enroll Patients with a …

The platform added several interactive features and calculators for the HAQ, DAS28 and other rheuma/derma clinical studies results’ forms and scores Platform …

Brando 2016

Digital health coverage is starting to penetrate in major media LA NACION newspaper: Los emprendedores y la tecnología digital van a la …

Transplante 2016

The company achieved it’s Digital Innovation & Support Program for the 3rd year ConsultorioMOVIL’s 2016 Digital Innovation Program offered innovation seminars and …

Digital Therapies

Leading medical specialists gathered in the Argentine Medical Association for the seminar Innovators, entrepreneurs and doctors got together to discuss RWE and …

Pharma’s Innovation Award

The “ConsultorioMOVIL for dermatologists” Argentine project won the global innovation internal Novartis award for its I&D global franchise Globally gathered in a …

Argentine Society of Rheumatology

The new benefit for SAR’s Rheumatologists was presented in the 49th Argentine Congress of Rheumatology in Mendoza Rheumatologists with a SAR membership …

Consultorio Movil

The platform keeps adding features to help Doctors in their daily workflow wit Patients ConsultorioMOVIL just added additional features to its platform: …

Pantalla diabetes

The companies agreed to licence ConsultorioMOVIL free of charge for professionals nation wide Argentine Diabetologists and Endocrinologists can now access and use …

Endeavor 2016

The investors and entrepreneurs’ global network showcased 10 companies in Buenos Aires & leading speakers ConsultorioMOVIL was invited to present its case …

Eyeforpharma 2016

ConsultorioMOVIL introduces RWE opportunities and capabilities for Physicians in eyeforpharma Latin America 2016 Santiago Troncar, CEO & Co-Founder of FutureDocs Latin America, …

Argentine Association of Allergy

FutureDocs Latin America and the Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (AAAeIC) signed agreement to offer digital education and technology ConsultorioMOVIL …

EHealth coverage

LA NACION eHealth coverage Entrepreneurs and digital technology conquer the doctor’s office See leading newspaper LA NACION’s full story here: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1894106-los-emprendedores-y-la-tecnologia-digital-van-a-la-conquista-del-consultorio …

Sad agreement

FutureDocs Latin America, Novartis and the Argentine Society of Dermatology sign agreement to distribute ConsultorioMOVIL Every dermatologist member of the SAD can …

Teva Pharma Reminder

Teva Pharma and AstraZeneca launch “pill reminders” mobile apps powered by FutureDocs Latin America See Astra Zeneca’s pill reminder app here: http://elegirsalud.com.ar/elegir-salud-aplicacion-movil …

Congreso nefro 2015

ConsultorioMOVIL closes “Digital Innovation Program 2015” for Physicians in leading medical congresses thru all the country Events and seminars were offered to …

Wayra invests in futuredocs

FutureDocs Latin America closes funding round and receives investments from wayra Argentina (Telefonica Group), EastPoint Ventures from the DMGT Group and other …

Lanzamiento Consultorio Movil

FutureDocs Latin America launches ConsultorioMOVIL’s Beta version in Argentina The pilot is gonna be initially run by the leading specialists that were …

Wayra Brazil

Wayra Brazil (Telefonica Group) signs investment in FutureDocs Latin America Sao Pablo, September 3rd, 2015 – Wayra Brazil (Telefonica Group) signs  investment …

Startuphealth website

New York, StartUpHealth LLC becomes shareholder of FutureDocs Latin America FutureDocs LLC becomes the third investment of StartUp Health in Latin America, …

Eyeforpharma 2014

Miami, FutureDocs Latin America introduces ConsultorioMOVIL to the Latam pharma management community in eyeforpharma Latin America 2015 ConsultorioMOVIL was introduced in eyeforpharma Latin …

futuredocs | FutureDocs